Friday 21 December 2018

An open letter to my vet about my last day with Brody

Dear Tristan and the Rothesay Vet Clinic team,  Lyn and the Raw Essentials team, and VSG.

This has taken me years to write, and for that I'm sorry. But the day I'm going to write about was, in all honesty, the most difficult day of my life so far. I still tear up thinking about it. This letter was actually written over a long time, because revisiting this day is still extremely difficult.

Brody's healthcare was far from simple. He was always not quite normal, with new problems popping up, and old problems never fully resolving. It was always about managing his strange body, and doing the best thing for him, and for me. For him this included food and environmental allergies, epilepsy, strange not quite right blood work, and a big pneumothorax requiring days and huge surgery at VSG. You were always supportive, happy for me to work with multiple healthcare professionals, and explore complementary therapies. You were supportive of our raw feeding at a time when not many vets were. You referred me immediately to specialist care when we required it.

Thank you.

When Brody was finally diagnosed with prostate cancer you explored treatment options and discussed them openly with me, and with both Brody and my best interests at heart. You explored palliative care options and got in drugs 'just in case' even if we never used them.  You fitted me in whenever I needed and talked on the phone whenever I needed it. You were caring and gentle with Brody, even when you had to squeeze his bladder to empty it causing both him and me pain.

Brody's last walk - at Murawai beach
Brody's last walk - at Murawai beach

On Brody's last day Tristan was honest when it was his time. He organized his day so that we could give Brody some pain care so I could go have one last walk at the beach. He then organized that there were no appointments after we put Brody to sleep, so I could stay with him as long as I needed. Because I have worked in vet clinics before I knew what normally happens to animals while they are awaiting pick up from the animal cremators, and Tristan arranged immediate pickup so this didn't happen.

Thankyou. It really means the world that I had people who cared about Brody and what was best for him.

I've written this letter for two reasons. One to thank the amazing team at Rothesay Bay. Secondly, because I can't even imagine how hard it is to do this job. But we are so lucky to have some amazing, and caring veterinary professionals in New Zealand. Thank you to all the vets who put 110% into the amazing care of their patients, and genuinely care for their patients. 

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