Sunday 2 April 2017

Those less than average weekends

So I've just got home from another weekend of agility away from home. It was definitely not one of our finer weekends. I know that I'm lucky - we get CR's and ribbons probably half our competing weekends. I totally understand that this is amazing. 

But when you come home with 18 D's (disqualifications), one CR (second place), a list of things to train longer than the 'things that went well', and a sore back / knees / ankle it can be a little disheartening. 

But here's the thing... I got home and realized that: 

1. I got to run some SUPER dogs. I was lucky enough to be trusted to run two amazing dogs that weren't my own.  And they were both great. My guys all did amazing stuff. Deo did THREE see-saws for the first time ever in the ring, and the last two were perfect. Plus we had some lovely walks, and swims in the lake.  And the one clear round we had was getting Deo around this Jumpers A course that was really tough on my brain. I haven't felt so stressed about having to remember a course in a LONG time. 

2. I've worked my ass off this month. Figuratively and actually (or that's what it feels like with the sciatica). The school term is rapidly approaching the end, and as per normal it's insanely busy. On top of that I've been working extra to save for my trips this year. And keeping up working hard training with my dogs. 

3. Some of my students had spectacular runs, and won up classes. So cool! 

4. Recovery is good. Last night we hung out 'magic' PEMF bed, so we could all recover together. 

5. Next weekend we get a restart, and get to play all over again. 

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