
Monday 13 May 2019

Rock Solid Stands for Agility Measuring - Online learning class

This year I have quite a few online classes coming out, which is pretty exciting! With some of these I'm experimenting with some different online formats, and/or platforms. This is so I can find the platform that works best for the style or material in a particular class. Also because whilst I love Facebook there are inherent issues with the groups as an online class.

For the latest online class: Rock Solid Stands for Agility Measuring, we will be using a self-paced instructional Google document, with a support Facebook group. This group will also have units of work (the same units in the document) if you prefer to work through Facebook.

These units allow me to organize the Facebook group, and also means you can also hit a button, which tells me (and you) when you have completed a unit of work.

This class get's slightly geeky about measuring. The traditional way of teaching a dog to stand for measuring stick was to lure it under. But as a measurer for many years, I have seen more dogs that not who are not just unhappy about this process, but terrified.

The cool thing about the way that this skill is broken into smaller chunks is that it gives you step by step information, to build a dog that LOVES being measured. Also, these skills are really transferrable to other skills such as cooperative care.

Here's Flori's first ever time being measured by another person to illustrate this skill: 

This course is available to individuals, or clubs for purchase.

Individuals have access to the Google document, and Facebook group (with learning units) for the one-time price of $40NZD. This allows you to not only access the information but ask questions and post videos of any of your own dogs for feedback, at any time.

Clubs have the ability to purchase for access for the club instructors, and committee members. Please note that whilst these concepts can be applied into the class situation, all course content (text, videos, and pictures) cannot be shared with other club members. Club's purchasing this class will nominate one person to have access to the file, and Facebook group on behalf of the club. This person may post videos also, on behalf of themselves, the committee members, or instructors. Club access is $100NZD.

Please email Kelly on for more information, or to access the class. Please note that this class content will be released starting from the end of May 2019. 

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