
Friday 10 May 2019

Newbie to Nosework?

I'm excited to have the amazing Gaye Stammers running some Nosework classes in the upcoming weeks at Hybrid Training.

Gaye has written this post, to introduce Nosework and her upcoming seminar and class at Hybrid Training. 

So I'm sitting here writing a "blog" waiting for some hides that I have set up for Java to age, just a little bit before putting n her harness and asking her to search...... thinking I know a little bit about training odour for scent detection for sport ... and not very much about blogging...

I heard about a seminar being held in Auckland with the guest speaker being Debbie Kay about 4 years ago. Apparently, an expert about nosework... so I signed up for a working spot with no idea what I got myself into!! Which is normal for me... sign up for something and then deal with the consequences later! Had an awesome day learning a lot of stuff, which at the time I thought was a bit pointless as there were no organizations running Nosework trials at the time, and I'm a dairy farmer not a detection dog handler. Java picked it up real fast even with all the environmental stuff that sent her into overload by the end of the day.

Then I heard that Sue Williams from Noseworx was running a trial in Hamilton... cool! Something to aim for to train for! That was back in 2016 and Sue impressed about the fact that I had taught my dog odour obedience by myself utilizing online resources (FDSA).

Here's the thing though. It's not so much about the competition for me, it's more about I love watching Java using her nose to find that odour and get rewarded. It's something we can do anywhere and when she's in search mode she doesn't worry about other stuff that normally keeps her on red alert.

Now that Nosework is starting to get noticed in NZ. But it doesn't matter if you are a competitive person or not, because if your keen to do something different with your dog ... that you can train anywhere and in all seasons, that doesn't require lots of expensive gear, that allows your dog to utilize one of it's most important senses (smell) ... then this is for you and your best mate.

Now best I go let Java do her search ... before it's too dark to see. Not that it will matter for her as she will just follow her nose!

This seminar is suitable for all dogs, any age / stage / breed / temperament, and handlers wanting to learn about nosework, the latest dog sport to hit NZ. We will be looking at concept games to imprint odour, games to encourage odour obedience, odour hygiene, and more. We will also be discussing hunt drive and how the sport is currently developing in New Zealand. 

The 4 week course will be a combination of different games each week to encourage confidence in your dog to work out problems independently and give you the handler the confidence to allow your dog to take the lead, while being an active team member. 


Saturday the 18th of May, 9am - 12 at Hybrid Training, Morrinsville.
Handling is $80 which includes an intro kit, and auditing is $20. Handling places are limited.

4 weekly classes, at Hybrid Training on Thursday nights at 7pm, from the 23rd of May. $120 for the full course.

All inquiries / reserving your place to:

Gaye Stammers

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