
Sunday 3 February 2019

The Cognitive Canine New Zealand visit number two!

I'm super excited to bring Sarah Stremming of the Cognitive Canine back to New Zealand, along with Annie Thorne of Your Whole Dog.

Sarah's training philosophy and programs have been life changing for me as a trainer, and my dogs. I cannot recommend her highly enough, hence why I'm getting her over here again!

This year Sarah will be running FOUR day's of workshops and private lessons at Hybrid Training in the Waikato over Easter Weekend Friday 19th of April - Monday the 22nd of April, 9am - 5pm each day.

Information about Sarah Stremming of the Cognitive Canine can be found here.

The program is as follows: 

  • Friday the 19th of April - Clarity Rules

Getting as clear as possible in your training is the first step toward solving all problems pertaining to performance and pet dog behavior. Understanding marker cues, clean errorless shaping, and reinforcement strategies will take your training to the next level, regardless of your current skills.

Handling (with dog ) $200 PLACES LIMITED!
Auditing (without dog) $95

  • Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st - Worked Up!

For sport dogs that are out of control, over the top, or just plain WORKED UP! Sarah’s most popular two day workshop covers the hows and whys of over-arousal, as well as a system for assessing, understanding, and soothing arousal states in our sport dogs.

Handling (with dog ) $400 PLACES LIMITED!
Auditing (without dog) $190

  • Monday the 22nd - Handlers Choice

A one-hour private training session with Sarah.
These are strictly limited and will be by appointment only. Please check the box to indicate your interest and I will contact you to book this separately. These are only available to those who have attended the weekend's seminars and are already familiar with Sarah's material and teaching style. Preference is given to those who attended in a working capacity.

$140 per hour lesson.

To register your interest and grab a working spot (which are sure to fill quickly!) please fill in this google form. If you have any other questions please email me on

Sarah will be in Wellington the following weekend running Clarity Rules, Hidden Potential and Handlers Choice private lessons. Please contact Annie on

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