
Wednesday 30 January 2019

Book review: Science Comics: Dogs. From Predator to Protector

Book title: Science Comics: Dogs. From Predator to Protector

Author: Andy Hirsch

Who would this book suit? 

  • Educators of Science
  • Senior biology high school students
  • Biology and genetics university students
  • Dog breeders
  • Anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of dog genetics

What was awesome about this book? 

In the introductory pages it immediately addresses the wolf in dogs clothing/alpha myth of dogs and focuses on addressing the science about dogs. This in my mind is an excellent start!

As a science resource it has a relevant glossary of science terms, and a 'further reading' list with some excellent resources. There are SO many relevant science concepts introduced in the natural flow of the story from correct scientific naming and classification, the species concept, history and dog evolution, Mendelian inheritance, DNA, chromosomes, alleles, meiosis, alleles and punnet squares, complete / incomplete / codominance, environmental factors contributing to evolution, domestication, the Russian fox experiments, gene pools, specific canine biological traits, dog breeds, behaviour, and circadian rhythms.

The comic is well drawn, cute, and engaging. There are some excellent science infographic type pages interspersed with the cartoon story of Rudy the dog.

The price is also really reasonable. I have ordered a full set of the Science Comics for our school's science department!

What didn't I like about this book? 

I would have liked an index or contents at the start to be able to find specific ideas or chapters, but the book is one long comic. Some readers may find the pages quite visually overloading as the pages are quite 'busy'. But this is also a positive!

A must-have for any science educator, or dog genetics geek:

Where to find this book, or more information about it: 

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