
Saturday 3 November 2018

When is a problem not a problem?

So here's the thing. My last two puppies have been pretty good and easy puppies. Maybe this is because I've gotten better at finding lines and litters with good tempraments, but I also think it's my approach to managing, and dealing with 'problems' that arise.

I really like training. I like approaching a problem or skill and breaking it down. I like looking at the geeky science of training. But I'm also super busy, and a tad lazy. You know what? I'd much rather spend my time working on something fun, than fixing a problem.

Here's my take on problems (and having less of them to deal with).

Manage the environment to help avoid problems developing.  

There is a reason that my young puppies are in puppy pen, crates, or other restricted spaces when they are not being directly supervised. It helps with toilet training, and them feeling safe and secure, but it also helps in stopping bad behaviors like chewing rugs, eating socks, or digging holes from occurring. Not only is this less time and energy for me in the long run, but it also helps ensure their physical safety...... Foreign object removal surgery is expensive!

Flori has recently developed a real liking for my socks and underwear on the clothes airer. So I moved them to the top, only to discover she can climb it. So I found another solution. Because yes I could probably work on this training wise, but I'm hoping with a simple environmental tweak I can avoid this behavior becoming habitual and reinforced.

Note: Underwear and socks are now hanging up high, off the curtain rail.

Decide what bug's you enough to fix, and what you really don't care about!  

Every dog has behaviors that are less than desirable. Deo is a horrendous alert barker at noises outside at home. Yes it bugs me, but living rurally on a busy State Highway with traffic noise means that no-one but me and the other dogs can hear it. It is one of these things that I have decided is less than ideal, but not worth the training time. And you know what? This could potentially bite me in the bum in the future, like if I was to move somewhere with neighbors, but I'll deal with that when, and if, that happens. 

My dogs are allowed on couches at home. I love sitting with them and having cuddles! Some people would see this as a problem that needed fixing. I don't! They get off if I ask them too, and if I was ever to be at another persons house who didn't like dogs on couches (unlikely as all my friends are fellow dog weirdos) I would leave them outside or in the vehicle, or use a station which is a behavior that I have trained! 

Just watching some Netflix on the couch..... So comfy! 

So be smart. Control the environment and decide what you are, and are not ok with! Then you'll have more time to train the fun things. 

If you DO want help with training the things like not jumping on the couch, email me on

#FDSANaNoWriMo blog post number 3
November the 3rd 2018

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