
Thursday 1 November 2018

Overthinkers anonymous.

My name is Kelly, and I'm an overthinker. Sometimes I even find myself overthinking about being an overthinker.

Of course when it's about something as important as my new puppy the overthinking is huge. And stressful. Because obviously that one time that she stood weird and had an elbow that rotated out most definitely means that she has major orthopedic issues and will never walk, let along be able to jump agility jumps. And that one time her eye looked weird totally means she's obviously going to be blind.

Let's be honest - we put a lot of weight into the future of our young performance dogs, and we want everything to work out. For many of us, it's a substantial financial, emotional, and time investment. Some of us have intensive well-designed training plans, others do bit's and pieces and hope for the best. But no matter what you do (or do not do) many of us will overthink about it.

But you know what? We overthink because for many of us it's our nature. But also because we really care. About our sport, about our beautiful puppy, and about showing the world how truly awesome they are.

So.... enjoy your puppy. Try not to stress. Trust in your training, and that you won't screw your beautiful new puppy up too much! Try not to overthink so much.

#FDSANaNoWriMo blog post number1!
November the 1st 2018

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