
Tuesday 18 December 2018

Snuffle mat in a box

Here, I've got your back! If you are anything like me, then you need a holiday project (that will keep you busy over holidays or even better when Family visit...), and also super cheap presents. And if you are also like me all your favorite people that may need presents are fellow dog geeks.

So I've got it sorted - the amazing snuffle mat in a box. This will cost you around $6-$8 dollars per box.

The cool thing about this is that being in a box it will contain crumbs and treat fallout at the bottom, so it would be perfect to use at trials where people may have concerns about treats falling on the ground.

So what do you need? 

  • A container that has holes in the side (I got a three pack for $4 at the warehouse)
  • Fabric sissors
  • Fleece fabric (about half a metre ish)
  • Hands and time

How to make

  1. Cut the fabric into strips about one inch wide, 10 inches long

2. Push the fabric strips through the holes, so the ends are facing into the box

3. Tie a knot in the fabric around the plastic container

4. Make pretty colour patterns as you keep putting fabric strips up the sides of the container

5. Use! 

It's pretty much up to you how long the strips are, or how OCD you are about making the outside fabric in neat patterns. You can really full the thing up with fabric by doubling strips through each hole (like in the bottom row in the example), or single strips. 

So go forth, craft, have fun! 

** Also here's Flori testing :-) **


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