
Tuesday 27 November 2018

For ever learning

So most of you will know by now that my 'proper' job is a teacher. I'm in charge of the Science curriculum at the local Junior High School.

Not only is it part of my job to model being a lifelong learner, but it's also one of the things that drew me to the job. I genuinely love learning new things. I love the geeky intricacies of Science, and how things are ever changing with new evidence.

So obviously that is going to seep across to my dog training. As someone charging for dog training services, I believe that it is vital to continue to progress my knowledge and understanding. It's a responsibility I have to my students. It's part of what they are paying me for!

So where do I go, and what do I do to learn more about dogs, and dog training?

Here's my go-to information, and courses: 
Jumping Gymnastics and Worked Up! Seminars at Hybrid Training with FDSA Instructors Sarah Stremming and Leslie Eide. 

This is just the start of an extensive list! I'm also a big fan of books. Because who doesn't like books! It seems that the faster I read them, the faster I add new ones to my collection. 

Stay tuned for future blogs where I talk about some of my favorite books.

#FDSANaNoWriMo blog post number 4
November the 4th 2018

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