
Friday 11 May 2018

Puppy's: What cool stuff do you need to buy?

This post is inspired by a recent trip to a local pet store. I was doing my usual scan to see if there was anything I always use on special (like kongs) and if there were any new chews.

At the checkout next to me was very obviously a new puppy owner. Like brand new. I had seen the baby's mum carry the pup out, and dad was buying a pile of new things. Beds, collars, some toys, food. So like BRAND NEW PUPPY! After I got over my jealousy I asked the person serving me why they didn't show the new puppy owner they Kongs, as they were on special. She looked at me like I was insane, and I don't think she understood what I was saying.

So here's my quick guide of essential buys, what to go cheap on, what is worth spending money on. For any puppy owner: from pet to performance dogs. Also some cute puppy pics. Because YAY PUPPYS!


Must have's 

  1. Crate: Crate training makes everything easier. Sleeping through the night, toilet training, traveling with young dogs, and even keeping your puppy (and house!) safe from destroying and ingesting things that could make them sick. It gives your puppy a safe place, and you some time out when you cant actively supervise them in the house. It gives the puppy, kids, and older dog's space and time out from one another. 
  2. Kong: These are magical. And well worth the cost. It's a safe and engaging way to entertain your puppy and teach them problem-solving skills. You can quickly put some biscuits or peanut butter in, or for a longer and more engaging enrichment activity put food in and freeze it. They will most likely last the life of your dog too - I have all of mine even from when Brody was a puppy, and we use them every week. 
  3. Safe car travel: No matter how your pup travels they need to be comfortable, safe, and restrained. Not only do you, and they need to be safe in an accident, and they need to not be loose (and distracting to the driver), but unable to jump from any doors or windows that are open. The best option is a secured crate, and if this is not possible a safe and appropriate harness and seatbelt restraint. 
Inky (Rachel's Working Cocker)

Go cheap (while they are still puppies!)

Collars, leads, harnesses, toys, coats, and beds should always be bought in the cheaper places (I adore Kmart, and the Warehouse has some excellent options). This is because these things will inevitably be chewed, shredded, peed on, and pooped on. Also because likely they will also quickly be grown out of rapidly. Also ensure that bed's either entirely fit into your washing machine, or have a removable and washable cover. Because you will need to wash it! 

Chilly and Evo

Spend some money on

  • Head halter. Even if you don't think you need one. Get one, learn how to train your pup to love and accept it, and have it on hand for WHEN you need it. There aren't many puppies I know that don't go through a terrible not listening / lunging / lead pulling stage! 
  • Training. Find an awesome trainer to help you sent up clear and consistent communication with your pup, and help you train the basic skills. Learn positive reinforcement, and how to mark and reinforce behavior. 
  • Decent food and quality chews and treats. Get advice from someone you trust on nutrition that is best from your pup, your situation, and what you intend to do together. My dog's are all fed raw from day 1 (more info on what I fed here). The Australian 'Balanced Canine Sydney' has lot's of excellent nutritional information, and the website Pet Reviews Australia has great information about pet food. 


  • Made in China treats, or anything that looks incredibly processed, fake, or smells (artificially) strongly.
  • Expensive beds, collars, leads, jackets. 
  • Stringy rope toys. These are asking for shredding and ingesting. 
  • Balls and chuckit's. Puppys dont need this kind of exercise, and balls and chuck it's are a common cause of injury in pet dog's. 

Have I missed anything from my list? Comment below! 
And have fun with those puppers! 

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